Animal Development

PILLAR 4:Industry Development

Strategic Objectives

Strengthen OIC Agri-food industry competitiveness to enable export growth by large to SMEs, Intra-OIC trade, and post-harvest loss mgmt

Strategic Programmes

  • IFPA International Islamic Food Processing Association
  • OIC Food System Talent Development

10 year goals

  • Enabling food exports growth of OIC companies to enable net food exports
  • Enable champion companies from OIC
  • Reduce food wastage, post-harvest losses

Programmes of Pillar 4

Animal Development

Strategic Objectives:

Provide Member States with technical expertise to achieve sustainable livestock production.

Program Description:

Animal Development comprises the entirety of the livestock industry including the animals, the environments they live in, the people who care for them, and the infrastructure surrounding them. It includes all the stakeholders involved in the production, processing, and distribution of livestock products, and the relationships between them.


The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) encompasses a rich tapestry of economies, each with a substantial livestock population and immense potential for further development. This sector acts as a powerful economic engine for farmers and a significant contributor to overall OIC prosperity. Recognizing the critical role livestock plays in food security, particularly in the face of mounting global challenges like population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation, a focus on sustainable animal development programs becomes an essential element. After all, livestock remains a cornerstone of agricultural activity, providing the lion's share of protein and a vital source of income for countless smallholder farms within the OIC.


- Empower livestock producers by improving access to knowledge, technology, and financial resources that support sustainable practices.

- Promote the use of efficient, environmentally friendly livestock farming techniques to mitigate climate change impacts and preserve biodiversity.

- Facilitate exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences among OIC countries to capitalize on shared learning and collaboration.

- Advocate for policies that support sustainable livestock farming and contribute to rural development, food security, and livelihood resilience.

- Enhance value chains to increase profitability and competitiveness of livestock products from OIC countries in the global market.


- Capacity Building and Training

- Technology Transfer and Adoption

- Policy and Regulatory Framework

- Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

- Research and Development

- Access to Finance


- Improve Livestock Productivity: Increase yield and productivity from livestock as a result of improved practices and management.

- Enhanced Food Security: More consistent and reliable production of livestock products, contributing to food security in OIC countries.

- Improve Livelihoods: Increased income for livestock farmers and others involved in the livestock value chain, leading to better livelihoods and reduced poverty.

- Enhance Environmental Sustainability: Reduction in the environmental impact of livestock farming, through improved management of resources and reduction of emissions.

- Promote Resilient Livestock Systems: Enhance resilience of livestock systems to climate change and other shocks, as a result of improved practices and diversity.

- Increase Knowledge and Skills: Improve knowledge and skills among livestock farmers and professionals, contributing to ongoing improvement in the sector.

- Strengthen Policy Environment: More supportive policy environment for sustainable livestock practices, due to advocacy and engagement with policy makers.

- Enhance Regional Collaboration: Increase collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

Highlights of implemented activities (activity-wise for each activity):

Activities will be implemented in 2024 and on.

Highlights of planned activities (activity-wise for each activity):

  1. Series of capacity building workshops (both webinars and physical) for animal forage production specifically with technology, equipment and seeds for the alfalfa plant mostly related to the Central Asia region.
  2. Series of capacity building workshops for the Value Chain Analysis for the livestock industry stakeholders in the Member States.
  3. Co-organizing with SESRIC and other relevant OIC institutions the Training Workshop on “Addressing Risks and Prevention Measures of Livestock Sector”.
  4. Establishment of Livestock Breeders Network Creation for the North Africa Member States.

Strategic Partners:



Cross-linked IOFS Programs:

  • Index as KPI/benchmarking component for various IOFS programs