The Islamic Organization for Food Security Elevates Commitment to Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria

Country: Nigeria
The Islamic Organization for Food Security Elevates Commitment to Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria
27 November 2023

Nigeria City, 27 November, 2023 – The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) marked a significant milestone as Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali, the Director of Programs and Projects, embarked on a pivotal two-day working visit to the Republic of Nigeria. The highlight of this visit was a high-level meeting with HE Honourable Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, the esteemed Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of the Republic of Nigeria.

The primary agenda of this strategic encounter was to reinforce IOFS's unwavering commitment to supporting the Nigerian government in achieving sustainable food security and economic prosperity. Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali articulated the organization's strategic vision, focusing on the cassava value chain and meat exportation as key catalysts for driving socio-economic development within Nigeria and other cassava-producing nations under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC )  umbrella.

The meeting saw a comprehensive exploration of collaboration opportunities, spanning crucial areas such as technology integration, investment facilitation, and market access. Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali emphasized the pivotal role of these elements in unlocking the full potential of Nigeria's cassava value chain while ensuring its long-term sustainability.

Highlighting a significant financial boost, Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali revealed the availability of a USD 10.5 billion financing package under the Food Security Response Program (FSRP), announced by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Notably, cassava has been identified as one of the strategic commodities earmarked for this substantial funding. Mr. Abubakar Ahmad , the Cassava Program Consultant, accompanied the Director of Programs and Projects, bringing his expertise to the discussion.

In a gesture of commendation and appreciation, Honourable Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, expressed gratitude for IOFS's noble initiatives. He pledged unwavering commitment and collaboration from the ministry towards the development of the cassava sub-sector and meat production. This collaborative effort aims to fortify the achievement of sustainable food security in OIC Member States.

The strategic meeting between IOFS and the Nigerian government marks a significant step towards realizing shared goals and fostering a robust partnership in the pursuit of a food-secure future for the region.