New Director General Assumes Office at the Islamic Organization for Food Security

Country: Kazakhstan
New Director General Assumes Office at the Islamic Organization for Food Security
10 January 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan —By the decision of the 6th IOFS General Assembly, held in Doha, Qatar on 03 October 2023, Ambassador Askar Mussinov has been elected the Director General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), as of 01 January 2024.  

Askar Mussinov, a career diplomat, has held various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. He served as Ambassador to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. Additionally, he held the positions of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Executive Secretary. His most recent role was Assistant Secretary-General for Science and Technology at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

“As known, this year, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan nominated the candidacy of Ambassador Askar Mussinov for the position of the Director General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security. His extensive professional experience and diplomatic career qualify him for this position. The draft resolution of this appointment was supported by Members of the Executive Board as well as participants of the Senior Officials Meeting held on September 27.  I would like to use this opportunity to express our appreciation to all Member States in supporting the candidacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alibek Bakayev, stated during the 6th General Assembly in Doha.