IOFS Delegation Addresses Critical Food Security Issues at International Conference in Cape Town

Country: Australia
IOFS Delegation Addresses Critical Food Security Issues at International Conference in Cape Town
30 August 2023

On 31 August 2023, the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) delegation, led by H.E. Director General Prof. Yerlan A. Baidaulet, took part in the One-Day International Conference themed “Food Security: Global, Continental, And Regional.”The conference, hosted in Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, was organized by Awqaf SA and the International Peace College of South Africa (IPSA) in collaboration with the IOFS. The One-Day Food Security Conference gathered a diverse range of speakers from various sectors who shared their insights on the multifaceted aspects of food security. Engaging in panel discussions and Q&A sessions, these experts offered a comprehensive overview of the challenges and potential solutions in the realm of food security.

During the Opening Session, Director General Prof. Yerlan A. Baidaulet delivered a keynote address highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainable food security. He commended South Africa for its vital role as a potential catalyst in steering food security initiatives across the continent. Prof. Baidaulet emphasized the need for partnerships and knowledge exchange, noting that South Africa’s diverse agricultural landscapes and collaborative traditions position the nation to offer innovative solutions to unique challenges faced by African nations. The Director General also emphasized the mission of the IOFS to ensure food security in OIC Member States through various targeted programs, including agriculture, science and technology, humanitarian aid, trade, and food exports.

Furthermore, Prof. Baidaulet introduced the flagship of the IOFS: “Africa Food Security Initiative” (AFSI), which focuses on empowering African OIC Member States toward food self-sufficiency through activities like the Mauritania Wheat Development Project, Integrated Water Management Plan in Niger, and the establishment of a Meat Hub in Nigeria. He also shared the plans of the IOFS to organize an African Investment Business Forum in Djibouti, focusing on partnerships and investments to boost the growth of the livestock industry and its value chain.

The Director General concluded his address by reaffirming the Islamic Organization for Food Security’s commitment to inclusive societies, equitable access to opportunities, and ending poverty and food insecurity. He called for unity and collaboration among all stakeholders to reshape food security across Africa, expressing confidence that collective efforts would, “create a continent where no one goes to bed hungry, where food security is not a distant dream but a tangible reality.”

“In our shared vision for this extraordinary continent, let us honor the spirit of African unity and embrace the concept of Ubuntu, recognizing that our prosperity is intertwined with the collective well-being of the entire continent,” concluded Prof. Baidaulet.

One of the notable highlights of the conference included presentations by IOFS strategic partners, Al Mukarramah. They offered perspectives on the intricate food security ecosystem, paving the way for a new era in Africa. In addition, they delved into ACEing Technologies, shedding light on the fisheries and trade domain.

The IOFS delegation’s participation in this conference underscores the organization’s dedication to collaborating with nations, institutions, and organizations to foster food security, alleviate poverty, and promote sustainable development. By leveraging the expertise and resources of stakeholders, IOFS continues to contribute to the realization of a future where food security is not merely an aspiration but a concrete reality for all.