IOFS Continues High Level Meetings on the Sidelines of UNFSS+2

IOFS Continues High Level Meetings on the Sidelines of UNFSS+2
26 July 2023

On the second day of the UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment, the Director General of IOFS, Prof. Yerlan A. Baidaulet had the opportunity to meet and engage in meaningful discussions with several high-profile figures. These interactions fostered stronger partnerships and collaborative action in achieving food systems sustainability within OIC region.
Notably, the Director General held meetings with:

Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, Prime Minister of Djibouti & Mohamed Ahmed AWALEH, Minister of Agriculture of Djibouti

Aziz Botirovich Voitov, The Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan

Qu Dongyu, Director General of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) & Kairat Nazhmidenov, Representative of FAO


The Delegation of Mozambique 

Yerbol Karashukeyev, Minister of Agricutire of Kazakhstan & Abdelmonem Belati, Minister of Agriculture of Tunisia and Respective Delegations

Ms. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Former President of the Republic of Mauritius, Biodiversity Scientist