In Cameroon, agritech solution Freshbag supplies cities with fresh food

Country: Cameroon
In Cameroon, agritech solution Freshbag supplies cities with fresh food
15 April 2024

Freshbag, a Cameroonian startup, has devised an agritech solution to streamline the supply chain between agricultural producers or cooperatives and small-scale retailers. Founded by Brice Ludovic Bindzi Mvogo, Freshbag secured funding from GreenTec Capital in 2020, propelling its growth trajectory. Without the need for a mobile application, interested parties can register directly on the startup's web platform as either sellers or producers, facilitating their integration into Freshbag's distribution network. The startup conducts site visits for verification and establishes partnership agreements with users. Despite encountering challenges, particularly with the informal nature of street vendors, Freshbag is implementing loyalty and reward programs to foster reliability and commitment. Currently serving around 1,600 producers and 700 sellers in Cameroon, Freshbag has ambitions to expand its operations to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, aiming to create a broader impact for millions of street vendors across the continent.

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