BORNEO BULLETIN: Malaysia to work with Egypt to expand palm oil exports

Country: Egypt
BORNEO BULLETIN: Malaysia to work with Egypt to expand palm oil exports
09 February 2024

KUALA LUMPUR (BERNAMA) – Malaysia’s Ministry of Plantation and Commodities intends to make Egypt an essential part of its plan to expand Malaysia’s palm oil exports to the African continent through the Suez Canal Economic Zone.

Its minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani said economic cooperation in the palm oil sector between Malaysia and Egypt was discussed in his meeting with the Egyptian Ambassador to Malaysia Ragai Tawfik Nasir on Monday at his office.

“Egypt is a strategic country for our palm oil industry because palm oil makes up almost 90 per cent of Malaysia’s exports to Egypt.

“Egypt has a population of more than 110 million people,” he said in a post on X yesterday.

He also said that both countries are exploring a partnership in palm product marketing strategies involving government-linked companies along with the cooperation of private players in both countries.

In addition to Malaysia’s strong position as palm oil exporter to the country, Egypt is strategically located to be a potential gateway to other North African countries, he said.

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Photo Credit: Envato

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