Afghanistan Floods: Flash Update #1 (30 March 2024)

Country: Afghanistan
Afghanistan Floods: Flash Update #1 (30 March 2024)
30 March 2024

- Heavy rainfall in Afghanistan on March 29 and 30 has caused significant damage, including the destruction of over 1,500 acres of agricultural land and severe damage to more than 540 homes and critical infrastructure across seven provinces.
- The most affected provinces are Faryab in the Northern region, Nangarhar in the Eastern region, and Daikundi in the Central Highlands region.
- This is the third time in less than a month that the Northern region has experienced flooding, resulting in casualties and affecting hundreds of families.
- Although there have been no reports of displacement yet, the Afghanistan meteorological department forecasts further precipitation, prompting close monitoring by humanitarian organizations.
- Humanitarian partners are preparing to assist affected families in coordination with the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA).
- Detailed reports indicate specific damages in various provinces, including destroyed homes, damaged infrastructure, and loss of agricultural land and livestock.
- Needs assessments and response efforts are ongoing across the affected regions, with distributions of food, shelter kits, and other immediate support underway.
- Additional assessments are being conducted to gauge the full extent of the damage and address the needs of affected communities. 

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