On July 25, 2022 Director-General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) HE Mr Yerlan Baidaulet accompanied by HE Mr. Bulat Sugurbayev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Malaysia had a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, HE Dato’ Kamarudin Bin Jaffar and the Deputy Minister of agriculture and Food Industry YB Datuk Seri Haji Ahmad Bin Hamzah.
This meeting was devoted to presenting an overview of the working programme of IOFS for the year 2022, while emphasizing the Afghanistan Food Security Program (AFSP), as well as the implementation plan for “2022 IOFS Year of Africa”. The Director General also highlighted Islamic Organization for Food Security Fifth General Assembly will be hosted in Tunis on 10-11 October 2022 in a hybrid format.
The parties further discussed Malaysia’s membership in IOFS through exploring related procedures, scale of mandatory contributions, benefits and obligations of the country membership and expressed mutual hope to prompt settlement of the accession to the IOFS.

On the meeting with MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority) Executive Director Mr. Sikh Shamsul Ibrahim and his team, both sides have made corporate presentations where IOFS Director General focused on investment opportunities with IOFS Group and advantages of its programs to attract FDI into the domestic food processing industries of Malaysia. The heads of institutions agreed to draft the MoU and exchange information on bankable projects in the food sector of this OIC member country.

The new prospects for further cooperation were particularly explored during the meeting with the Chairman of the Palm Oil Council of Malaysia (MPOC), Mr. YB Tuan Larry Sng Wei Shien. IOFS Director General conveyed appreciation for the warm welcome and the opportunity to introduce IOFS’s activities and provided a brief overview of IOFS subsidiary International Islamic Food Processing association (IFPA).
Parties considered also opportunities for close business partnership between IFPA and MPOC in integrated logistics solutions, trade and investments aimed to develop the export potential of intra-OIC countries and provide an opportunity for local and international stakeholders to exchange experiences, discussed the latest trends and developments and win-win business opportunities in the agrifood sector. Mr. YB Tuan Larry Sng Wei Shien additionally provided an overview about MPOC’s mission aimed at promoting the market expansion of Malaysian palm oil and its products by enhancing the global image of palm oil and creating better acceptance of palm oil through various technological and economic advantages, acceptance opportunity on the multilateral IOFS platform MPOC certificates such as Roundtable Certification of Palm Oil (RCPO) and Malaysia Certification of Palm Oil (MCPO).