Director General of IOFS H.E. Mr. Yerlan A. Baidaulet had several important meetings in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The Director General has started meetings with the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources of Oman, H.E. Dr. Saud bin Hamood Al Habsi.

IOFS Director General conveyed appreciation for the warm welcome and the opportunity to introduce IOFS’s activities and provided a brief overview of IOFS Strategic Framework and IOFS Strategy 2031 emphasizing IOFS humanitarian programs, Afghanistan Food Security Programme, “2022 IOFS Year of Africa” implementation plan. Other points included discussion of future Flour Mills by Oman Agro-food TEC Centre will be implemented in Kazakhstan and its vital importance in boosting humanitarian aid to neighboring member countries, including Afghanistan.

Parties discussed wide range of issues related to settling of Sultanate of Oman’s membership in the IOFS, ways of facilitating membership procedures, amount of mandatory contributions, benefits and obligations of the membership and expressed mutual hope to prompt Oman’s accession to the IOFS.
In addition, the Director General met with the Group CEO of ASYAD, Mr. Abdulrahman Salim Al Hatmi. Parties after discussing IOFS humanitarian food security programs, highlighting Oman's great peacemaking efforts to stabilize the situation in Yemen, considered also opportunities for close business partnership between IFPA and ASYAD in integrated logistics solutions, trade and investments aimed to develop the export potential of intra-OIC countries.
Subsequently, the meeting of the IOFS delegation with the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Sultanate of Oman, H.E. Najmedin Muhametali was complemented by introductory presentations on the IOFS vision, strategy, and its immediate humanitarian relief programs, as well as other initiatives in the long-term perspectives programs. Sides discussed significance of creating a Grain HUB in Oman considering an advantage of a geographical location and developed logistics, engagement and enhancement of integrated logistics solutions with end-to-end services across ports, free zones and shipping to increase the volume of mutual trade and food supplies between intra-OIC countries.
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