Head of IOFS attends Global Forum on Innovations for Marginal Environments in Dubai, UAE

٢١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٩
Director General of IOFS attended the Global Forum on Innovations for Marginal Environments (GFIME) for 20th Anniversary of ICBA on 21-22 November in Dubai, UAE. The Forum gathered a large number of participants all over the globe.
Director General spoke at "Trailblazers breaking new ground ­- projects and policies" session as the only representative of an international organization together with other four spokespersons of various scientific research institutions. Director General presented IOFS to the audience and spoke about its ongoing initiatives and programs. The audience expressed its appreciation of a unique standing that IOFS holds in food security development among specialized institutions of OIC. The session ended with a saying that "National food security starts from your table".

Director General held several meetings with high officials within the context of the forum on 20-21 November. He spoke to representatives of IsDB delegation and organized the negotiations on signing memorandum on strategic partnership with the President of IsDB for next week. Furthermore, an agreement was reached with CEO of ICID Mr. Ayman Amin Sejiny to join forces in promotion of the Grain Fund initiative and the ICID Food Security Fund project.

Mr. Baidaulet also negotiated integrated cooperation on strategic programs of ICBA and IOFS with their directors Mr. Amal A. Magzoub and Mr. Seta Tutundjian. Director General of IOFS made arrangements with CEO of BADEA (Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa) Dr. Sidi Ould Tah and his Advisor Dr. Osman Mahgoub Ahmed El Fiel to hold a round of negotiations to establish closer cooperation on project financing of African member states of IOFS. The head of BADEA expressed his interest in support of IFPA.

A meeting was also held with Director General of CABI (founded in UK in 1908) Mr. Dennis Rangi and a regional Director Dr. Babar Bajwan. Sides decided to exchange work visits to Pakistan and Kazakhstan at the beginning of 2020, and collaborate for the benefit of member countries.

Further meetings were held with international structures and companies such as International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin, Center for Sustainable Aquatic Research, DigiAgri and Dünya Tohum.
Head of Essa Al-Ghurair Company group Mr. Essa Abdulla Al Ghurair fully supported creation of IFPA, Grain Fund and organization of Strategic Commodities Forum and expressed his wish to collaborate actively with IOFS.

Meetings held on 20-21 November include such officials as Mr. Muratbay Ganiev, Deputy Director on Science & Production of International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin under the President of Uzbekistan, Dr. Munawar R. Kazmi, Country Manager of Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva, ex-Director General of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Dr. Marco Arcieri, Vice President of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).

Another meeting worth mentioning was held with Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, IsDB President Emeritus, who has given valuable advice and recommendations on further development of IOFS.

المعلومات المقدمة من قبل المنظمة الإسلامية للأمن الغذائي ("IOFS") على iofs.org.kz ("الموقع") هي لأغراض إعلامية عامة فقط. IOFS هي منظمة دولية غير ربحية ويتم تقديم جميع المعلومات الموجودة على الموقع بحسن نية ولا بهدف إلى الربح من أي محتوى أو استغلاله بأي طريقة أخرى، وممنوع استخدام تجاري، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر إعادة البيع، أو فرض رسوم على الوصول إلى الموقع، أو إعادة التوزيع محتوياته، بما في ذلك الترجمات غير الرسمية لهذه المستندات، وجميع المنشورات والنصوص وأي أشكال أخرى من المعلومات على الموقع مملوكة للمؤلفين.

لا تتحمل IOFS بأي حال من الأحوال أي مسؤولية عن أي خسارة أو ضرر من أي نوع حدث نتيجة لاستخدام الموقع.