On August 3, 2022 Director General of the Islamic organisation for Food Security HE Mr. Yerlan A.Baidaulet accompanied by Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the republic of Kazakhstan, HE Mr. Dr. Muntaser Abu Zeid visited the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA).
Established by a presidential decree in January 2016, PICA is the main public diplomacy tool of Palestine and works as a national coordinator for South-South and North-South Cooperation. It is aimed to transfer Palestinian know-how to countries of the South in the form of development and technical assistance and seeks to mobilize skilled human resources in responding crisis and development challenges, including food security issues.
During the meeting Assistant Minister for international development cooperation, Director General of PICA Imad Al -Zuhairi discussed enhancing ties between PICA and IOFS to pursue the implementation of strategic plans for development programs to ensure food security in OIC member countries. Parties further discussed key areas for collaboration on issues of mutual interest, particularly trading opportunities of food products and agricultural machinery, programs to transfer expertise, knowledge and technical support within OIC states.
During a visit to Palestine IOFS Director General also was received by the General Manager of the Palestinian Food and Agriculture Industries Union (PFAIU), Eng. Bassam Abu-Ghalyoun. PFAIU as a non-profit organisation integrates all major Palestine food companies and aims to promote locally made agrifood in complying with advanced production standards, offers assistantship in improving management and marketing tools and protects interests and cooperate in strengthening efforts for the dynamic development of the food industry. HE Mr. Yerlan A.Baidaulet highlighted that such meetings aids to identify areas of opportunity and growth partnership through trade exports and inward investments via the IOFS subsidiary IFPA platform and expressed willingness for closer cooperation between entities.
The IOFS delegation, while commencing a visit to the Golden wheat mills Company P.L.C. in flour and semolina production was informed about advanced technologies in flour milling and malt manufacturing. The company with the mill located in Burham village, Ramallah, has annual production capacity of more than 50,000 metric tons producing different types of wheat flour and semolina with Golden Wheat and Al Sanabel brands. IOFS Director General underscored the importance of the flour manufacturing enterprises in providing value-added export potential flour products to OIC countries.