On November 23, 2021, IOFS conducts the First Meeting on the Promotion of Value Chain Development of Palm Oil, "Increasing Sustainability in the Palm Oil Sector" with the participation of representatives of Ministries of Agriculture and research centers of Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, Brunei Darussalam, and Mozambique, as well as selected regional and international organizations working in the domain of Palm Oil, such as Malaysian Palm Oil Council, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) of Indonesia, Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm, and the Association of Fat-and-Oil Union of Kazakhstan.
H.E. Yerlan A. Baidaulet, Director General of IOFS, emphasized the importance of establishing strong collaboration and the need for joint actions to strengthen the capabilities of research institutions of member states in the domain of improving Palm Oil productivity and development, as well as countering negative narratives on the food-value potential of this product; improving reverse linkage mechanisms among member states; establishing Centers of Excellence with the purpose of rising productivity and development of Palm-Oil industry; and strengthening intra-OIC cooperation in addressing issues and challenges in trade relations in Palm Oil among OIC member states.
The opening session of the Meeting included the welcoming remarks of H.E. YB Larry Sng Wei Shein, Chairman of the Malaysian Palm Oil Council, and H.E. Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Kadir, Director General of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
The Meeting was devoted to discussion of the areas of collaboration through the exchange of experiences and finding common ground in the development of Palm oil industry in OIC member countries.
The meeting was moderated by the Director of the Program and Projects of the IOFS, Dr. Ismail Abdelhamid. Participants of the meeting shared presentations on current situations, challenges, and prosperities in countries level, and the second session was devoted to the Role of Palm Oil in Global Oils and Fat consumption, main issues and challenges on Palm Oil, GHG emissions reduction practices in the palm oil supply chain, and production of trans fat free oil products.
It was stated that this meeting is the first step in creating a platform for the development of Palm Oil through establishment of a Center of Excellence, which was supported by participants and Member States.