Brazil, India, Australia and New Zealand make up 78% of global market, and are the main suppliers of halal products to OIC countries. Development of halal industry and its export opportunities were discussed in Almaty by halal manufacturers.
Besides religious connotations, “halal” term have become synonymous with quality. Currently, Muslim quality standard of “halal” has become global in production industry. “Halal holding” LP collaborated with “Atameken” National Chamber of Enterpreneurs of Kazakhstan to organize a Work meeting in Almaty to discuss development of halal industry and export opportunities. The meeeting was supported by Ministry of Trade and Integration of Republic of Kazakhstan and Islamic Organization for Food Security.
Representatives of Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), Center of Development of Halal Industry of Kyrgyzstan, Atameken, Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan, standardization and certification bodies, “Nur Otan” Party, universities and institutions, halal manufacturers and associations and others have all participated in the event.
Director General of IOFS Mr. Erlan Baidaulet discussed main issues of halal industry, such as absence of a universal halal certification system and lack of state and international accredidation. Another issue is that halal certification bodies do not correspond with each other even within one country, and do not have a common agreement on halal principles.Moreover, halal certification bodies give out certificates to companies that produce both “halal” and non-halal products using the same equipment. Majority of those products are not assessed for pork traces in gene laboratories. Mr. Baidaulet also noted lack of access to relevant Shariah compliant financial resources that could help halal industry address the abovementioned issues.
According to Mr. Baidaulet, IOFS was created for solve such issues on both international and regional level. Therefore, it is critical to create OIC body, agency or department that would be responsible for accredidation of all international organizations, that handle certification and halal system accredidation procedures in OIC countries.
Mr. Baidaulet:“IOFS as an international organization could provide a platform for such work. If production standards and implementation of halal products are unified, their implementation could become a solid foundation upon which markets of OIC countries could be developed.”
Main suppliers of halal products to OIC region are non-muslim countries

25 September 2019