On February 23, as per invitation by H.E Latifa EL-BOUABDELLAOUI Director-General of ICDT, the Director-General of IOFS H.E. Yerlan Baidaulet participated in the 38th Ordinary Session of the ICDT Board of Directors as an observer.
At the opening session, Dr. Ahmad Kawesa Sengendo, Assistant Secretary General for economic affairs of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation delivered a welcoming address on behalf of H.E. Dr. Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen, Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, calling the participants to closer cooperation with ICDT.
During the session, ICDT presented its Activity report and Work program for 2021 and 2022.
Important to note, that the promotion of trade among member states of OIC was always receiving greater attention of the decision-makers and member states of the OIC. Trade is considered a crucial component for intra-OIC economic cooperation and development, as it contributes to poverty eradication, employment generation, and greater economic welfare. In this regard, IOFS hopes that OIC countries and institutions would strengthen their close collaboration, through ICDT platform, which is a major trade and investment promotion institution within the OIC family.