On July 15, 2022, the Director-General of the IOFS H.E. Mr. Yerlan A. Baidaulet conducted the bilateral meeting with the Chairman of the Board of the «National Agrarian Science and Education Center» non-commercial JSC, Mr. Darkhan Balpanov, who was appointed two months ago.
The IOFS Director-General congratulated Mr. Darkhan Balpanov on his appointment as Chairman and presented the IOFS framework, its Strategic Vision 2031 and Programs under the implementation by the IOFS Secretariat. Particularly, it was outlined strengthening the cooperation in the third pillar of the IOFS Strategy on Capacity Building for transfer of knowledge and experience in science, technology and invocation through various programs on strategic commodities, development of gene banks, water management in agriculture, food safety, bio and agritech, climate change impacts, and pest control management.
The Chairman of NASEC thanked the IOFS Director General for meeting and broad presentation on IOFS activities. He also underlined the science potential of Kazakhstan in agriculture. Currently, NASEC unites 56 science and research entities, with main focus of their activities are aimed at developing agricultural scientific activities. He added that NASEC will mostly concentrate on seed development and strengthen the scientific work and international cooperation in this area.
The sides also agreed to boost the implementation of the Action Plan between the IOFS and NASEC. The action plan includes cooperation within the framework of joint programs such as the Extension network, Centres of Excellence for Development of Crops and Livestock, Development of Plant and Animal Genetic Resources Center, Water Management in Agriculture, Transboundary Pest Control Management and others. The action plan allows the IOFS and NASEC to effectively cooperate in the field of information exchange, participate in joint events and facilitate the development of cooperation with OIC countries.
In addition, the meeting discussed opportunities for expanding partnerships between IOFS and NASEC and achieving common goals, including jointly conducting several activities within 2022.