On July 6, 2022 Islamic Organization for Food Security delegation participated in the second day of the 7th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Meeting of Agriculture Ministers.
The flagship event of the ECO - the Ministerial Meeting held in Uzbekistan brought together ministers of agriculture from its member countries bring to light the latest developments and updates related to the emerging ECO Regional Program for Food Security and implementation of agricultural projects and render value-added innovations and high-impact solutions.
The ECO Secretariat particularly discussed developments of ECO regional institution and affiliated bodies and their agriculture related projects such as ECO Veterinary Commission (ECO-VECO), ECO-Agricultural Biotechnology Network (ECO-ABN), ECO Risk Management Center of Natural Disasters (ECO-RCRM), ECO Meteorological Calibration Center (ECO-MCC), ECO Seed Association (ECOSA), ECO Center of Excellence for Efficient Water Utilization for Agriculture (ECO-CEEWUA). Participants agreed to enhance cooperation to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sphere and food security in the member countries.
Furthermore, during the session parties provided various resourceful presentations and discussed developing of small-sized projects supporting for development of organic production, issues of certification and market integration in the ECO region and establishment of standardized ECO network of slaughterhouses and reference laboratories among members of the organisation.
Additionally, on the sidelines of the event IOFS delegation held several bilateral meetings with ministers of agriculture where they were informed about IOFS Strategic Framework and IOFS Strategy 2031 emphasizing IOFS humanitarian programs, Afghanistan Food Security Programme (AFSP) implementation plan.