Upon the kind invitation of Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani, Chairman of DIHAD Sustainable Humanitarian Foundation, the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) is attending the 18th Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Conference and Exhibition – DIHAD that has started on 14 March and will run until 16 of the same month, and is being held under the high patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai with theme that is inspired by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 17).
Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, IOFS Senior Liaison Officer, was appointed by His Excellency the IOFS Director General, Mr. Yerlan Baidaulet, to represent the Organization in the two first days, as the latter is expected to be in Dubai to attend the closing session and sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the President of Islamic Committee of the International Crescent (ICIC), as well as with DIHAD Chairman on 16 March 2022, and visit the DIHAD Headquarters on the following day for furthering the bilateral cooperation between the two Institutions.
Aside from attending the official opening and other sessions of the aforesaid event, Mr. Manafi was engaged in several bilateral meetings with a number of humanitarian stakeholders to exchange views of common interest in relation to the important work and IOFS humanitarian food assistance programmes, particularly the Afghanistan Food Security Programme (AFSP).
In one of those bilateral meetings, Mr. Manafi met with Ms. Sara Al Nuaimi, Director at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI), to follow-up on the meeting between Their Excellencies the MBRGI Secretary General, Mr. Saeed Al Eter, and IOFS Director General, which was held in Dubai on 17 February 2022. Ms. Sara stated that MBRGI was working with local official concerned authorities towards providing the support the IOFS requires for successfully implement the AFSP.
Other meetings were held with some NGOs from or active Member States, including the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH, Turkey), African for Rural Development (ARD, Somalia), Rwanga Foundation (Iraq), Benefit Mankind (Lebanon) to share their experiences within the humanitarian sector and discuss ways to spread the culture of philanthropy, as well as establish new partnerships with them as relief workers.
It is worth pointing out that the 18th DIHAD edition would feature more than 600 non-governmental organisations, humanitarian associations, companies, suppliers, and international brands from around the world. Additionally, 50 renowned humanitarian speakers are participating in eight key sessions at the Conference and 16 workshops will be held by the United Nations, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and the private sector. Over 6,000 participants from 84 countries are set to take part in the event.

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