On March 8, 2022, The Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) organized the 2nd Meeting of the Trade and Investment Sub-Committee (TISC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), on March 8th-9th, 2022 in Marrakech.
HE Pr. Yerlan Baidaulet, The Director General of the IOFS, has actively participated in the discussion of working issues, he was Accompanied during this meeting, by Mr. Sofian Ben Mouaddeb, Senior Country Manager at IOFS.

This meeting has been attended by representatives of the General Secretariat of the OIC, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Kingdom of Morocco, and the representatives of the following institutions’ members of the TISC: the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), Bayt Mal Al Qods Acharif Agency, The Coordination Office of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the Social Economic Statistical Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), the Islamic Chamber for Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA), the Islamic Youth Forum Organization (ICYF), the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC), the Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector (ICD), the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investments and Export Credits (ICIEC) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC).

This sub-committee evaluated and examined the cooperation projects undertaken by the member institutions of the TISC, in favor of the member countries as well as the future actions, in particular those planned for the year 2022.
It should be noted that the activities of the TISC rather focus on technical assistance, capacity building of OIC countries and promotional activities aimed at the development of intra-OIC trade and investment, such as fairs, exhibitions and business forums.
On the sidelines of the TISC Meeting, H.E Yerlan A. Baudaulet, Director General of IOFS, has met HE Latifa El Bouabdellaoui., Director General of ICDT, in order to examine joint cooperation activities and programs, in this regard, the DG of IOFS presented a brief overview of the main actions and programs of IOFS for the year 2022, in particular the AFSP, and the implementation Plan of IOFS Year of Africa, and stressed his concern about the food situation in the Islamic world, especially for wheat importing countries, he also asked his host, the importance and the urgent need to put in place the apprporiate measures and tools to facilitate trade of food products between the OIC countries. on her side, H.E Mrs. the DG of the ICDT, informed that the ICDT, fully shares the concern of the IOFS concerning the food situation and the increase in the prices of strategic food products, caused by the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, likewise expressed the readiness of the ICDT, to support the efforts of the IOFS in these programs and activities, and to further develop collaboration and consultation between their two institutions.