The Director General of IOFS HE Yerlan A. Baidaulet has arrived upon personal invitation of the FM of Turkmenistan to its capital city, Ashgabat.
During the first day several meetings with other high-ranking delegates took place, incl. SG of Organization of Turkic Countries HE Bagdat K.Amreev, DG of Turksoy Duisen K.Kasseinov, ASG OIC Dr. Ahmed K. Sengendo, FAO Representative for Central Asia HE Viorel Gutu, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan HE Yerkebulan O. Sapiev etc. The same day afternoon the extended meeting of the IOFS DG with the Deputy PM on agro-industrial issues Esenmurat Orazgeldiev and the Minister of Agriculture HE Allanur N. Altyev was held.
The discussion was devoted to such important points as the IOFS general presentation, incl. 10-years Vision 2031 Strategy, mutual interest for facilitating Turkmenistan's membership in IOFS, opportunities for wide partnership for further strenghtening national and regional food security, for joint implementation of IOFS programs in the country etc.
The Turkmen side agreed to cooperate with IOFS Group more intensively and decide asap on membership.