‘Youth forum on biotechnology’ kicks off

‘Youth forum on biotechnology’ kicks off
16 September 2022
The “Express Tribune” internationally affiliated newspaper of Pakistan published an article about "Youth Forum on Biotechnology" arranged collaboratively by COMSTECH, Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, Turkiye and Islamic Organisation for Food Security. Article highlights large number of national and international participants as well as diplomats of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Somalia, Qatar, Iraq, and Uzbekistan attended the event, underscoring the importance of biotechnology in achieving sustainable food security.

The Forum was inaugurated by the keynote of President of Pakistan, Dr Arif Alvi and marked with speakers who noted that green revolution could not be possible without biotechnology and the adaptation of new technologies brings success in all spheres of life.

The Forum participants urged young scientists to generate innovative ethical and moral solutions for adoption of new technologies for the sake of humanity.
IOFS representative Dr Ismail Abdel Hamid, mentioned that biotechnology is crucial in achieving food security, therefore such events are an important platform to share experience and generate innovative solutions to develop biotechnology to address the issue of food security.
The original article is here: